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Training Kitchen: Room For Everyone

Our completed training kitchen with blue countertops and warm wood cupboards

"The kitchen is the heart of the home."

  • For many, it is a space for more than just food prep.

  • It is a gathering space.

  • A source of both physical and social nourishment.

  • It is a hub of activity - a place people pass through and a place people stay. 

In the kitchen, there should be room for everyone.

Designing Our Training Kitchen

Of all of our training spaces at our new location, the most expansive and versatile is our Training Kitchen.

Our kitchen uses the best design principles used in home kitchens - arranging appliances to make working in the space fluid and easy.

Whether training one-on-one or with a small group, we've ensured there is plenty of space for everyone to move safely and comfortably between stations and tasks. 

Room for Everyone

But we reached beyond simply the best design for a roomy home kitchen to add even more training space.

Not only did we provide more than the standard counter space directly in the kitchen, but we also made sure there was room for a separate counter overlooking the kitchen. 

This free-standing counter can accommodate several people side by side, and so it will allow us to host cooking classes for groups instead of just individuals.

In these classes, every participant will have a clear view of what is being demonstrated in the kitchen while being able to practice hands-on with their own materials.

All Clients - All Goals

Cutlery art waiting on the counter for its place in our new training kitchen

We are excited to be able to offer this space to clients with a wide range of abilities and goals.

Whether they are one of our teen or adult clients learning basic food and safety skills through our Life Skills Program, a Waiver Services client building skills in a carefully prepared environment that they can generalize back to their own home, or an Employment Services client practicing skills to advance their career - the kitchen is ready for everyone!

Very soon, this kitchen will be a hub of activity, a gathering space, a source of both physical and social nourishment. We can't wait to welcome you into the "heart" of our new "home!"

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